Whenchy... "I can rap about that!"
One afternoon I had the pleasure to meet an enthusiastic and interesting young passenger named Whenchy.
Born in Haiti, Whenchy has lived in the United States for the past three years.

Although he can speak both Creole and English, he is extremely determined to speak "perfect" English. He is continually studying and practicing his English speaking skills and I was extremely impressed with, not only his speech, but his determination and desire to improve.
Whenchy currently works at Publix but is enrolled at Florida South Western College, and is working toward a degree in sonography.
He enjoys music, as a hobby, and loves to rap in Creole. He has a very creative mind and told me that he can pretty much put together a rap song about anything.
His unique and unusual name was recommended by an eight year old cousin who first saw him in the hospital soon after his birth. He exclaimed to all within hearing distance, "Let's call him Whenchy!"
And... his mother did!
Although it does not seem that there was a specific reasoning behind the name, a google search discovered a similar name... "Wenchi". This version of the name provides an accurate description of the young man that I met... it means "adorable" or "charming"!
At both work and college he goes by the nick names "When" or "When-When".
It was great to have Whenchy as a passenger and welcome him to Ubernamez!